“Lives lived without an appreciation of art, and hence beauty, are lives poorly lived. Whether people are conscious of it or not, they actually derive countenance and sustenance from the “atmosphere” of the things they live in, or with. They are rooted in them, just as a plant is rooted in the soil in which it is planted.” (Source: The writings of Frank Lloyd Wright)

Penthouse Glamor

Loyd Taylor continues as the consummate distinctive designer of Interior Decoration. He is accustomed to creating brilliantly imaginative environments of distinctive originality.

Rustic Minimalist

Iintegrity of design, elimination of the superfluous, and attention to detail are synonymous with Loyd Taylor's professional commitments to every commission.


Loyd Taylor is essentially an "Environmental Sculptor" adept at achieving interiors which possess a "life-of-their-own" devoid of derivative cliches and transitory trends.


Gifted with remarkable innate talents, Loyd Taylor will create for you a magical, memorable environment reflective of your unique individual personality and exhibiting your pursuit-of-excellence.

Your inquiries are welcome

Loyd Taylor

P O Box 191368 Dallas, Texas 75219 // (214)-537-3935 //